Accuracy of fortune teller or future teller.
Many time when people asking which types of reading would getting more accuracy.
To me, I find "Four Pillars" Birth-chart reading are amongs the higheest scored than any other, for
example; palm-reading, face-reading, name-reading, Chinese zodiac reading, Western Astrology,
however, Purple Star-reading are gaining their accuracy and populars since 90's.
Overall I prefer on Four Pillars Birtch-chart reading as it almost have the simple clear-cut way to
predict a man (includes woman) future.
And now come to second question they ask most.
What's caused the accuracy?
When you are in your mother's body, you have been implanted the genetic-code from your
farther and as well your mother's genr. While you are leaving your mother's body and so call born to this
world and take your first breath, than the galaxy sun, moon, stars would embedding another code,
to me more precise called magnetic-field code in your body. Overall, you had your parents code, galaxy's
sun, moon, star's magnetic-field. Just like a computer hardware + software and waiting to be initialized.
Once it initialized, the person would getting different events from time to time, it depends on the
setting or plotting of the events. Do you have any influence to avoid this events happen?
I shall come back for more.....
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