Character Behaviour : Merge II
Lower Pillar character merge interactive:
ZI (water) + CHOU (earth) = Earth element
YI (wood) + HAI (water) = Wood element
MAO(wood)+XU (earth)=Fire element
CHEN(eart)+YOU (metal)=Metal element
SI (Fire)+SHEN(metal)=Water element
WO(Fire)+WEI(earth)=Is a good merge with Fire proudce Earth
Merge and transform are similar with Upper-Pillar character, however the still need to check whith its surronds before agree on transforming.
However, you need to pay attention on character locate under Month's Lower Pillar, as this a foundation for serve as a pivotel roles in whole structure pillar, therefore, is the condition "force" this character merge with other lower pillar character, this character holding absolute right to transform but would give way to the "calling party" for the subtle elements transform but no merge be allowed.
For example:
Upper Pillar : Month / Year
Lower Pillar : Month / Year
Upper Pillar : Ren (water)/Yi (wood)
Lower Pillar : Yi (wood)--/Hai (water)
If the above is in other pillar than Month Pillar, it would allow for the merge and transform as all condition are meet. However, the involve party is under Lower Month Pillar, hence, the Yi -wood would reject any merge but would agreed subtlely for add-in wood character to its Hai's water. And Hai's water therefore been bound "to support" the wood. (This could apply to other lower pillar elements not merely happen on Yi-Hai merge but it could ZI-CHOU or other types of combination).
In other terms, as a Master Guru, this type of formation would give Yi-wood an advantage as the Hai's water would definately supporting Yi-wood for strong purpose.
For advance level study. This formation would support the Yi-wood, even when other Metal element comes to hurt Yi-wood, it would obey to produce water to Hai-water (metal produce water) and unable to kill-off the wood when it could be done in normal circumstances.
I would emphasized more on character elements interactive in future blogs.
Until then, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!
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