Macro & Micro enviroment affect on your birth chart
Every country on earth have their own birth-chart together with "feng shuei" magnetic field force (for person study on Flying Star feng shuei, he/she would know very-well for the overall affect), therefore, if a person A born in Afganistan would have a different life-path when he/she born in Singapore or New York.
Because the macro-field (country) would keep affecting the micro-field (personal) enviroment, therefore if the person have very strong magnetic field support from his birthchart then he could breakthrough enviroment-force to claims his achivement.
For those person getting preference elemenst on woods, if he/she immigrant to Eastern side, he/she could achieve him/her success easily immigrant to Western side. Directional force to gehter with feng-shuei could come into scene to assist the person to attain their goals.
Four Pillar readings are not the superstitous theory or theosophy, it serve as a weather forecast function to the person that what lies ahead could be beneficial or adversity for his/her journey. He/she could taking careful step during the difficulty period and giant-step during the upswing period.
Have a good day!
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