Monday, January 23, 2006

Children Education Achievement.

Children Education Achievement

It becomes a norm that today’s parents (particularly in Asia) are more demanding their children getting to higher academy achievement.

However to some extreme extends, they only wants their children achieving the top three position, anything less would be considered a failure. This could in turn creates a tremendous stress towards their children which would further develop into part of the social problems.

Furthermore, this mountain stress could affecting their children in born creative mind development(for other brilliant purpose). That’s the reason why western world had number of scientist, multimillion businessman and advance innovator as their parents have different attitude towards their child growth.

And some of them believes those achieved in higher academy works for those corporates created by “non-top-classes-achiever”.

Four Pillars could give you a clue about your children future. Believes it all not, it did explicit in details why some children really achieved low in academy score could eventually becomes a successful business.

The clue is lied in the Motherhood call-sign in your children Four Pillar birth chart. With this call-sign appear in his/her birth chart and its good positioning, it would ehances your child achieving good academy scores.

You could bring that to “test” your fortune teller and see how they could explicit clearly for your children academy progress, so that you could understand your children better.


Kindly visiting my website at for other person Birth-Chart Analysis.


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