Monday, January 16, 2006

Little talk:Visiting Hospital /Lower Pillar Interactive III: Six-Merged Elements

Little Talk : Visiting Hospital

Visiting your friends or relatives in a hospital is an unavoidable caring supports.

However for those who are having number of ying-sign in the Four Pillar birth-chart or having weak-structure should take extra-careful step to protect yourself away from the harmful negative vibration (magnetic field) “penetrating” into your own magnetic-field.

These extra-steps have list for you as follow:

1) Try to arrange your visiting time in a day-light.
2) Before step into hospital, visual the sun-light beam from you top to your toes and those light stay around your body. Do a self-talk by mention “I’m been protected by strong light”.
3) After visiting, get yourselves sun-bath for few minute to re-vitalize your energy. You may want to visualize the sun-light penetrate through your body and cleanse out all the bad magnetic fields.
4) Avoid visiting during nighttime.

Error Correction: Kindly note that Meeting-Point formation (Meet Point) are stronger than Formation in my earlier blog.
Lower Pillar Interactive III: Six-Merged elements

Zi (water) merged with Chou (earth) transform to Earth element
Yin (wood) merged with Hai (water) transform to Wood element
Mao (wood) merged with Xu (earth) transform to Fire element
Chen (earth) merged with You (metal) transform to Metal element
Si (fire) merged with Shen (water) transform to Water element.
Wu (fire) merged with Wei (earth) transform to Fire element.

When merged and transform happened, one of the two characters would agree to other character to abandon the origin elements and follow the other character’s element. Just like a marriage, she follow her husband’s surname.

Nonetheless, if Meet-Point calling (for formation), that involved character in the merge transformation would need to separate the merge formation and take part into Meet-point formation.

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