Monday, May 25, 2009

How Could Your Career or Job In Jeopardized Where Rebellion Call-sign Meet With Officer Call-sign?

How Could Your Career or Job In Jeopardized Where Rebellion Call-sign Meet With Officer Call-sign?

Not merely your job could be in problem, it could further involves of you into other legal issues (官非)

From the old school theory, that would be a dangerous disaster when Rebellion call-sign meet with Officer call-sign.

This happen when you have the above call-sign in your Four Pillar (Bazi) birth-chart. Or when this sign meet in a Decade Pillar or Year Pillar (2001,2002,2003,2004....).

Here are the example of for the above mentioned....

However, some people would not have any call-sign as mentioned in their original Four Pillar Birth Chart but if they meet on Decade Pillar, the affects would be the same too, here are the exact example for you to study...

What would happen if your Decade Pillar step on this zone?

It would depends on other character in your Four Pillar chart. Rebellion call-sign on the other hand can be treated as a result of your mind-set, that mindset are set to offense your immediate boss (or hurt your boy-friend or husband in case you are a lady), especially your career and your immediate head. When people entered into this stage, he/she would fight for “unknown” caused that making both party about to break-out.

Should your Rebellion call-sign been energized by other call-sign like Wealth-Grabber (year,month,day), your problem would most likely involves of seeing the unfair situation from your boss treatment to your colleague or peers, with that mindset in mind, you tend to challenge their authority by doing something to caused the hard feeling on your boss, as such, you would soon reach the thresold of “having enough” and thinking of resigning and other options JUST to quick the job.

For other worst scenario type where involves of Wealth-Grabber call-sign, that would run possibility into illegal business to gain their wealth status, this is the true Rebellion vs Officer situation.

Nonetheless, not all Rebellion call-sign are having bad effects with the Officer, should you having the Fortune or Side-Fortune call-sign to proctect the Officer call-sign, you would gain your job-prospective as this is due to that Rebellion call-sign would supply its energy to Fortune call-sign, where it would further channel it energy to the Officer call-sign. (Four Pillar Intermediate level study).

So to concludes the story, Rebellion call-sign would bring positive or negative impact to you but subject to your original Four Pillar Birth-chart structuring.

Hope you enjoy reading! Let me know if you have any comments or idea to share.

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