Thursday, January 19, 2006

Little talk:Year of Dog / Lower Pillar Interactive V: Six hurting match.

Little Talk : Year of Dog

As we usher into 2006 Chinese New Year (Year of Dog). You could see peoples are rushing to buy a pet-do, some go for toy with symbolic items as some of them believes that it is due to Feng Shui or 12 zodiacs sign prediction.

Bear in mind that dog are not for everyone, you should check carefully on your Four Pillar Birth-Chart before getting a dog as a pet or other purpose. In Four Pillar, Dog represents as a Xu (earth). If your are Gui-person or Ren-person, it means the dog is your Officer call-sign or Fighter call-sign in your chart. Should you have the weaken structure in your Four Pillar Birth Chart, the dog could cause you involves of legal problem or some unexpected events could happen to you.

Nonetheless, if you are Jia person or Yi person with strong Four Pillar structure, then Dog would be a real symbolic item for you as they are your Fortune or Side-Fortune call-sign, means money for you.

Lower Pillar Interactive V: Six hurting match (also called six penetration match).

Zi with Wei
Chou with Wu
Yin with Sin
Mao with Chen
Shen with Hai
You with Xu
Shen with Hai

Summary : Hurting each other.

When each character meet with other character in Lower Pillar with the above match. It create
the negative force and dislike each other, if this happen under Day-Pillar and Month-Pillar, it mean your other-half could have conflicts with your parents.

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