Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chinese New Year Holiday.

Dear all,

This blog would take a holiday off for 14 days for Chinese New Year celebration.

I would be back for more interesting topics for up-comming blog. Nonetheless, if time allow, I would be back to provide more details for Four Pillar. My reserach would continuos on applying the ancient ark to benefit today competitives world.

I wish you all to have a prosperous year ahead.

Best regards,
Future Teller

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Child Growing

Child Growing

Can you foresee your children future at their early age?

Parents like to judge their children during their stage of growing from childhood to teenage. If they find their children not smart enough to achieve academy result, they would use all kind of negative comments on their children which could caused them psychology deficit at adult age.

Just like a new hard-disk waiting to input their useful data for future development but instead of useful data been loaded it becomes a harmful data like viruses were embedded inside the hard-disk.

As parents DNA been planted before they are born, parents comment would significant increase the affects on children growing, and therefore your influences are served as an important roles to assist your children growing into adulthood.

Some kids are use to smart enough could take care themselves and keeping well scores in academy, this is a resulted by their Motherhood call-sign been position well in their birth-chart.

With Motherhood call-sign, your children would take responsible to assist doing house-keeping includes of taking care of his/her young brother or sister. Similarly, if they holding Officer call-sign in their birth-chart (especially with Motherhood call-sign), they would obey your order and take responsible of what they are doing.

Those kids with strong structure in Four Pillar but with nothing to ease-off their energy (especially their birth-chart contents water with fire elements), this is “devastating” action-oriented structure as they could get angry quickly and end-up unhappy events. It is in turn that you are the person should be prepared your mindset to “handle” this kid specifically.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Children Education Achievement.

Children Education Achievement

It becomes a norm that today’s parents (particularly in Asia) are more demanding their children getting to higher academy achievement.

However to some extreme extends, they only wants their children achieving the top three position, anything less would be considered a failure. This could in turn creates a tremendous stress towards their children which would further develop into part of the social problems.

Furthermore, this mountain stress could affecting their children in born creative mind development(for other brilliant purpose). That’s the reason why western world had number of scientist, multimillion businessman and advance innovator as their parents have different attitude towards their child growth.

And some of them believes those achieved in higher academy works for those corporates created by “non-top-classes-achiever”.

Four Pillars could give you a clue about your children future. Believes it all not, it did explicit in details why some children really achieved low in academy score could eventually becomes a successful business.

The clue is lied in the Motherhood call-sign in your children Four Pillar birth chart. With this call-sign appear in his/her birth chart and its good positioning, it would ehances your child achieving good academy scores.

You could bring that to “test” your fortune teller and see how they could explicit clearly for your children academy progress, so that you could understand your children better.


Kindly visiting my website at for other person Birth-Chart Analysis.


Friday, January 20, 2006

Little talk: Thinking of Conceiving a Baby? / Lower Pillar Interactive VI: Tangling

Little Talk : Thinking of Conceiving a baby?

Thinking of conceive a baby? In Four Pillar Birthchart Reading, the aperson must holding a strong structure in order to conceiving a baby.

As conceive and give birth to a baby is an exhaustion energy activity from his/her mother body. Without strong structure in her pillar could possible caused a few unhappyness events.

However, due to affect on Decade Pillar for some person as I mentioned in earlier blog that there would be a season or time-frame that the person Four Pillar structure could turn to "strong" structure "temprorary", that is the important time-frame for you to grab for conceiving. As today advanced medical development had creates a number of successful method of conceiving and monitoring for those "weaken" women to have a baby.

Anyway, please find your Four Pillar Birthchart to check the likelihood of your baby sexes.

For Woman, Savour God is your daughter call-sign and Rebellion is your son call-sign.
For Man, Officer is your daughter call-sign and Fighter is your son call-sign.

You would know by now why your need a strong Four Pillar structure to get a baby as all this is need your Day-character essence to use your energy to create and nurture a baby. Bear in mind that if you have a in-born weak pillar chart, you need to check for your overall prenatal check-up to avoid psychology balancing as to avoid postnatal depression and other affects.

This usually happen to the weak-chart person taking chances on the "temporary" strong prefer character crossing. As some of the "temporary" prefer character crossing are happen within a year or two only. (This prefer character would cause the weak structure chart transform to a strong structure chart).

Although you might having all the Savour God or Rebellion call-sign in your Four Pillar Chart, however as due to clashing or merger character happen in your original chart, this could caused that you might have to wait till the afftect character been allievated from those interactive.

For those thinking of getting a baby, I wish your goal come true.

Special note: Some of the above theory are extract from the old Four Pillar birth-chart master transcript together with my new methods of analysis, therefore, you should taking extra caustious towards applying into your own stituation.

Although I claim that is the best possible likelihood but as I could not give you any gurantee of 100% accuracy during this research & exploring periods, you should consult your doctor for further appropriate conceiving guidance.

Lower Pillar Interactive VI : Tangling.

Yin(Wood) tangling with Si(Fire)
Si (Fire) tangling with Shen (Metal)
Shen (Metal) tangling with Yin (Wood)

The above tangling call a Thread Tangling.

Chou (earth) tangling with Xu (earth)
Xu (earth) tangling with Wei (earth)
Wei (earth) tangling with Chou (earth)

The above tangling call Non-grateful Tangling.
However, if you could find those three character appear in a chart (one character come from Decade Pillar), then they would become a powerful tangling.
If this happen to be a useful characters, then this would make the person be able to conquer greater success whether in business organization or in goverment body. Otherwise, it could cause possible legal tangling problem.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Little talk:Year of Dog / Lower Pillar Interactive V: Six hurting match.

Little Talk : Year of Dog

As we usher into 2006 Chinese New Year (Year of Dog). You could see peoples are rushing to buy a pet-do, some go for toy with symbolic items as some of them believes that it is due to Feng Shui or 12 zodiacs sign prediction.

Bear in mind that dog are not for everyone, you should check carefully on your Four Pillar Birth-Chart before getting a dog as a pet or other purpose. In Four Pillar, Dog represents as a Xu (earth). If your are Gui-person or Ren-person, it means the dog is your Officer call-sign or Fighter call-sign in your chart. Should you have the weaken structure in your Four Pillar Birth Chart, the dog could cause you involves of legal problem or some unexpected events could happen to you.

Nonetheless, if you are Jia person or Yi person with strong Four Pillar structure, then Dog would be a real symbolic item for you as they are your Fortune or Side-Fortune call-sign, means money for you.

Lower Pillar Interactive V: Six hurting match (also called six penetration match).

Zi with Wei
Chou with Wu
Yin with Sin
Mao with Chen
Shen with Hai
You with Xu
Shen with Hai

Summary : Hurting each other.

When each character meet with other character in Lower Pillar with the above match. It create
the negative force and dislike each other, if this happen under Day-Pillar and Month-Pillar, it mean your other-half could have conflicts with your parents.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Little talk:Feng Shui vs Four Pillar/ Lower Pillar Interactive IV: Six Clashes

Feng Shui vs Four Pillar

I remember an article written by one of the Hong Kong practitioner that he had applied the Four Pillar in Feng Shui practices for his clients in favour of personal preference elements (metal, water, wood, fire, earth) in Feng Shuei application.

Although we can’t verify the effective range, but as matter of facts, Four Pillar are always served as a crucial point to decide the person’s future besides of his own efforts. Likewise Feng Shui would have its own theory to supports the application, although both of theory were developed from the ancient I-ching records where they shared the theory of 5 elements.

In my personal opinion, Feng Sui are more towards building structure type of "Four Pillar" (forecasting).

If Four Pillar indicates that the person could get 100 point of wealth for this mediocre decade. No matter how strong his Feng Shuei setting, he could hardly earn over 100 point. (This is a hypothesis only as Four Pillar can’t really give the accuracy of 100 point or 55 point of wealth, although in advance level we could measure some level of wealth as a result of Lower-Pillar interactive.)

Feng Shui could serve as a remedy functions to assist the person by supplied the positive magnetic field to the person to enhance his/her “luck”. This could maximize the person’s wealth inborn capacity if the Feng Shui setting is correct.

That’s the reason why some people couldn’t get any positive result but to others its windfall of wealth.

Lower Pillar Interactive IV: Six Clashes

Zi (water) clash with Wu (fire)
Chou(earth) clash with Wei (earth)
Yin (wood) clash with Shen (metal)
Mao (wood) clash with You (metal)
Chen (earth) clash with Xu (earth)
Si (fire) clash with Hai (water)

Some of the old authors seldom elaborate much after listed all the six crashes.

When Zi clash with Wu in usual application, Zi would won this war but if Wu is in its own element strongest season(summer), then Zi's power would equally damage with Wu.

Some authors mentioned Chou clash with Wei and Chen crash with Xu are only "earthy" clash (create more earth). However when I probe further with other author and see its application, we found that the crashes are hidden some secret.

This need to elaborate further as follow:
Chou (earth) in Four Pillar also refer as a Metal warehouse
Wei (earth) refer as Wood warehouse
Chen (earth) refer as Water warehouse
Xu (earth) refer as Fire warehouse

Do not overlook those warehouse as they are stock up all the energy from one particular element in their individual warehouse, for example Xu (earth) are stock up all the Fire elements, once the warehouse been clash-open, all the Fire power would burst out by releaseing all the Fire energy to the person.

If this is his/her favour element, he/she would getting all the good vibration & accelerate of accumulate fortune in no time. Of course, I can't imagine if this happen on their Decade Pillar, means he/she could prolong their success up to 10 years periods.

One key element to determine what could happen after the character clash. Follow the above example, Chen's warehouse (content Water-element) clash with Xu's warehouse (content Fire-element, who could win this war? Water clash with Fire.

In normal circumstances, some people would agreed due to Water-element could overcome Fire-element, then Chen's warehouse should win this war.

The answer is, it would subject to the character in Lower Pillar who are sitting next to this particular character(at clash-war), if it is Fire element, then, Xu's warehouse would prevail. Likewise, if it is the Water element, then Chen's warehouse would win this war.

Hope you enjoy this blog so far and please do log-in my personal website at : should you need special guidance on business and career development for 2006 and beyond.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Little talk:Visiting Hospital /Lower Pillar Interactive III: Six-Merged Elements

Little Talk : Visiting Hospital

Visiting your friends or relatives in a hospital is an unavoidable caring supports.

However for those who are having number of ying-sign in the Four Pillar birth-chart or having weak-structure should take extra-careful step to protect yourself away from the harmful negative vibration (magnetic field) “penetrating” into your own magnetic-field.

These extra-steps have list for you as follow:

1) Try to arrange your visiting time in a day-light.
2) Before step into hospital, visual the sun-light beam from you top to your toes and those light stay around your body. Do a self-talk by mention “I’m been protected by strong light”.
3) After visiting, get yourselves sun-bath for few minute to re-vitalize your energy. You may want to visualize the sun-light penetrate through your body and cleanse out all the bad magnetic fields.
4) Avoid visiting during nighttime.

Error Correction: Kindly note that Meeting-Point formation (Meet Point) are stronger than Formation in my earlier blog.
Lower Pillar Interactive III: Six-Merged elements

Zi (water) merged with Chou (earth) transform to Earth element
Yin (wood) merged with Hai (water) transform to Wood element
Mao (wood) merged with Xu (earth) transform to Fire element
Chen (earth) merged with You (metal) transform to Metal element
Si (fire) merged with Shen (water) transform to Water element.
Wu (fire) merged with Wei (earth) transform to Fire element.

When merged and transform happened, one of the two characters would agree to other character to abandon the origin elements and follow the other character’s element. Just like a marriage, she follow her husband’s surname.

Nonetheless, if Meet-Point calling (for formation), that involved character in the merge transformation would need to separate the merge formation and take part into Meet-point formation.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Lower Pillar Interactive II : Meeting Point (Meet-Point) / Little Talk: Good Marriage

[If you are first time reading this blog, you could go to my first blog (Dec 7,2005) to copy down all the info as the whole blog are inter-related right from from Day 1.
This full of ancient Four Pillar info blog would give you a value of US$600(charges for elementary course) free reading material plus the high-end analysis format and advance study material. Enjoy reading.
For those of you need to get your Four Pillar Birth Chart reading, you could log-on to , this would be the good time for you to know yourself better while we ushering this Chinese New Year (2006).]

In our last blog, you have been guided on Formation.

We would continues on Lower Pillar Interactive for second activity : Meet-Point.

When three specific characters meet in Lower Pillar either within the pillar or other crossing pillar (decade pillar or yearly pillar), they would forged the "alliance" to choose one element to represent their group.

Here are the Meet-Point interactive...

Yin(wood)+Mao(wood)+Chen(earth)=Eastern Wood element
Si(fire)+Wu(fire)+Wei(earth)=Southern Fire element
Shen(metal)+You(metal)+Xu(earth)=Western Metal element
Hai(water)+Zi(water)+Chou(earth)=Nothern Water element

Directional are those elements original location, for example Metal are located at West.

if you encoutered that you prefer FIRE more than EARTH element, with decade pillar come into your scene offer you with FIRE meet-point formation, your could get your support from FIRE element by getting good support from your peers or staff for the good business project or formation as long as the character in place.

Meet Point formation are not as strong as merged-formation in mentioned in our last blog.
Therefore, when the person birth-chart pillar had appear all the character for merge form and meet-form, the merge-form shall prevail.


Little Talk : Good Marriage

Easy to find but hard to keep? Or, difficult to find but hard to keep?

Whatever reasons are, if you have your "other-half" call-sign right under your Day-Pillar (means lower pillar character), it means your other half at least have his/her heart with you always (provided no crashing, merge sign, or other symptoms on your birth-chart). This is a good position at least you would have his/her heart right on the begining with you.

Don't worry if your other half call-sign is away from the lower pillar doesn't mean he/she do not like you but just that his/her mind have other priority, some related to works other related to hobbies and etc.

Reason: When your other half call-sign situated right below Day-Pillar, it means, the person mind or heart are closer to you, this is a original place specifically for your "other-half".

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lower Pillar Interactive I : Formation

What would you do when you read the person Four Pillar Birth-chart?

1)Decide the person structure whether build with strong ground.
2)To know the person Day-essence and call-sign.
3)Any merge character on the Upper-pillar.
4)Lower pillar interactive.

Lower Pillar would have 7 types of activity when the meet-up. These 7 types of activity would create 7 types of result which I would elaborate more for you shortly.

It would important to note that the Lower pillar character would not only interactive within person's Four-Pillar, it would meet up with other up-coming character from Decade Pillar, yearly pillar, monthly pillar or daily pillar.

Normally we would apply Decade pillar, yearly pillar and person's original Four Pillar to accertain the result.

If 7 types of pillar only confined their interactive within the Four Pillar structure, it would give us easy time to offer the reading but to this complexity of interactive, we need extra afforts to analyse what could be the possible happen events for the person future.

Therefore you could see one of the reson why some of the streets Fortune Teller can't give the person higher accuracy reading is the time-frame they spent to the person analysis have been succumbs to the quantity and the limit of their knowledge.

Lower Pillar Interactive : Formation

The Lower Pillar character had consist of four Formation as follow:

Characters: Shen(metal)+Zi (water)+Chen(earth)=Formed in Water element
Characters: Hai (water)+Mao(wood)+Wei(earth)=Formed in Wood element
Characters: Yin (wood)+Wu (fire) + Xu (earth)=Formed in Fire element
Characters: Si (fire) + You (metal) + Chou (earth)=Formed in Metal element

How would they form?

Easy outline illustrate for you as follow:

Lower Pillar : time/day/month/year

Lower Pillar : You(metal)/Si(fire)/You(metal)/Chou(earth)

Whenever you see the above you could confirm the formation have been establish. Let get down to another example:

Lower Pillar: You (metal)/Si(fire)/You(metal)/Wu (fire)

Can they form into Metal element? The answer is no.
But when any character from the Decade pillar or yearly pillar come into scene, then they would formed for approximately for decade or one-year depends on the in-coming character" in-charge" period. Once the character leading periods over, above formation would back to normal.

What could happen after formation?
There are number of events could happen.
First and foremost, if the formation element could bring benefit to the person birth-chart for example; if the person is a Gui-water character, after formation the lower pillar come into FIRE element, then the person's would getting a lot of business activities which could bring him lot of money (wealthy) or promote to higher ranking (if elements form into EARTH, and yet his/her pillar structure are strong.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Who are you?

Who are you?

What's character in you? Now, if you could know your Day Pillar essensce, you should know who you are in Four Pillar Birth-Chart Reading. To make it clear let me use back our previous blog example (Dec 28, 2005) as follow:

Formation : Time Pillar/Day Pillar/Month Pillar/Year Pillar

Gui (water -) / Jit (earth-) / Yi (wood -) / Gui (water-)
You(metal -) / Si (fire -) / Mao(wood-) / Chou(earth-)

You should be able to provide me this person character is : Jit's earth. (Day-essence)

With no Mother call-sign or those element could support his character in this Four Pillar, I should declare this is a weak structuring pillar. Nonethelss it doesn't conclude that this weak structure would permeantly weak throughout his life, he would going into strong structure tranformation from his age 55 onwards as towards it Decade pillar crossing.

Now, let us focus on his character as a Jit's earth with my copy down from my Dec blog (Dec14,2005) as follow:

"However if you are a Jit's type Earth, you are more endurance-type people as you would be good to face any encounter but under your heart, you have a rebellious character, as such people could sense you are not really generous to them.

As Jit's type of Earth are comprised by different elements, therefore you might inborn with "double characters" that make you sometime you are full of energy and could attain every possibility but sometime you are just thought to be alone and stay afloat. "

This doesn't means all the Jit's earth person character are the same. You have to search for his in-build character to represent the "real-in-you" for him.

You need to look at the person's character in lower Month Pillar, for this example is Mao wood, you could recall that Mao (in related to Jit's earth) call-sign is Fighter. Once you get this Figther call-sign, you need to determine whether it is a true call-sign, means it this call-sign have any character "branching" out from lower pillar to upper-pillar? If answer is positive, then, this person in-build character is Fighter. If not, you have look for his other subdue character whether had branching out from the root to the tree-top to decide his in-built character.

With Fighter in his in-build character, this person is a tough-guy. With positive character, he could single handle most daunting task to accomplish his set objective, however due to his weak-structuring in natura, his changelling self need to balance off with his long-term vision as he could lost his partner, friendship due to other might feel his eagerness poised like a tread
towards them.

Once his Fighter emotion been trigged, his fieceness could bring harm to himselves as towards others as the force are too strong for him to handle (especially during Fighter year).

Therefore, it is advisble to know who are we then, we could know what is our strong-point and weak-point and take step to maximize the chance of success.

Who are you?

You may want to visit my web-site at to find out more (little advertisement here) about your essence.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Strong Structure & Weak Structure III.

What could happen if the person nature born with of Four Pillar structure weak?

First, it can't handle the Fortune or Side-Fortune-call-sign's wealth. His/her job nature is assisting to handle "others people money" for example bank-teller; broker and etc. His/her duty main handle large amount of others people money which is not belongs to his/her-self.

When person had crossing Decade-pillar with those character or element could support his/her character, then, the person would start generate income from other investment (subject to the crossing elements).

Person born with weak-structure have to handle his/her financial plan carefully, as he/she tend to spend what he/she could affords, carry outstanding credit card debt is a norm for the person. Pick-up wrong investment deals are often happen if the person choose to go into trading (share).

Strong structure with Fortune or Side-Fortune call-signis a good sign for the person, he could do well and done well almost in all trade. However, he tend to involved of extra-marital problem if its crossing another Fortune or Side-Fortune call-sign.

He/she just need to concern when they are come across of Wealth-Grabber or Brotherhood, Motherhood, Step-Mother call-sign which could turn their investment into losing game.

The reason is, if you have strong structure ground, you need not any character in crossing to support or contribute energy to your character. Just like a fat-person, if he is keep on consume more meal, what could happen to him, he sure would getting illness soon.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Strong Structure & Weak Structure II.

As you already knew that Four Pillar are comprised by 8 characters located in Upper-pillar and 12 character in Lower-Pillar.

Fast-East guru normally would translated this into English as for;

Upper-Pillar= Heavanly Stems
Lower-Pillar= Branches

To me I preferred on simple layman terms translation, so that you have easy understand over the Four Pillar.

Look at the Pillar like a tree growing from its way from roots to the top. Whatever at the top must be support by the below pillar. It is not necessary on specific location. (1 mark)

Furthermore, if the person born in the month of Mother call-sign or Step-mother call-sign, his/her structure are holding on firm ground. (1 mark)

Mother call-sign would fend-off the attack by Fighter or Officer call-sign in the way of exhausting their energy. Because when they wants to attack Day pillar on its lower pillar, once they meet with Mother call-sign, their attack-mode immediate transfer to supporting the Mother call-sign.

The example below could make you know the reason of it.

If the person essence pillar is Jia-wood in Day-Pillar. Then, Metal character is his Fighter and Officer call-sign isn't it? What is his Mother call-sign? Water. And you may referred Water is his Mother call-sign, whenever Metal element meet with Water, they would "forget" to attack the Wood-element and stay producing water, in turn, the water further keep supply energy to Wood.

If you see the Brotherhood or Wealth-Grabber call-sign in the person Four Pillar, it means the person have a strong peers supports. ( 1 mark)

If the person have a total of 3 marks, then his/her personal essence in Four Pillar should declare strong structuring.

If he/she only have 1 mark only, then, his strong structuring should refer to mild-structuring, this would give us "hard-time", if the person wants to get his Decade-Pillar reading as his/her structure which are sometime strong but could be weaked on other time.

Those having 1 mark by born with Mother call-sign's are having better firm ground then any other 1 mark support (careful with present of Fortune call-sign crossing, as it is a Mother call-sign enemy).

If you could understand the above, you are in fact above average then those street's fortune-teller in terms of knowledge-wise.

to be continue...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Strong Structure & Weak Structure.

Every time I mention that the person whether could get wealthy by getting the Fortune call-sign are subject to his/her Four Pillar structure foundation. Some of you might wonder what structure foundation?

There are two types of main structure towards person’s pillar.

First type : Born with strong-structure
Second type : Born with weak-structure

However not all structure are build permanently firm.

This is the main reason why some master fortune-teller given wrong prediction towards person’s reading.

The simple reason is, if the person having one-character of support from it lower-pillar (to being firm) but this lower pillar character being “attack” by other character, then this character no longer be able to contribute its energy to the person essence character, thus this structure become a weak structure. Furthermore, if this character have been merged by other character, it would create a devastating force to the person not only on weak structure but “problem” waiting to be happened.

Similarly, when the weak-structure being support by good character for while on Decade Pillar crossing, this could give the person a strong structure and he could get hold of Fortune call-sign, Officer call-sign.

That’s the reason why some people after been through some bad-luck situation had suddenly turn out to be a millionaire overnight.

Without observing the changes of Decade pillar could possible caused the false prediction towards the reading person.

…. to be continued.

Have a good Saturday! Don't forget to log-on my new website at thanks.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Little talk:Famous Artiste? / Interactive XI:Call-Sign VIII

Break-in News:

Finally, I have my special website locate at : for Four Pillar Birth-chart reading in Business & Career outlook for 2006 & beyond. Please get to surf after reading this
blog. Thank you for your support.

Little talk : Famous Artiste?

Are you thinking of becoming a Super-star? As you can see from those U.S. TV production like America Idol had creates a wave cross the Asia. This gives number of regions producer to made numbers of similar local series begin from Taiwan and swap acroos Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and etc.

Opportunities had made a number of people wanted to become a famous artiste. The question lies whats your chances like to be famous artiste in future?

You could see some artiste have been restricted in development after winning the champion. What cause them lumbering along their career?

Four Pillar Birth-Chart analysis could give you some hints about it.

If you could recall my blog in Dec 30,2005. Then, you could see the answer is lies on Rebellion call-sign.

Why? Rebellion are produce by the person character, for example, if you are Gui (water), your character could produce wood element, with ying-yang differences, Jia (wood) is your Rebellion, Yi (wood) is your Savour God. If your Rebllion call-sign locate at upper-pillar it means you talents would produce a significant attraction to others. If your Rebellion call-sign are stay at lower pillar, then, you have to wait for Rebellion call-sign crossing in decade pillar, the question is when would it be?

If you have Jia (wood) in your upper-pillar chart and water elements in your lower-pillar chart, you are born with a criteria to become excel in your choosen field, with further support by Fortune call-sign, you chances to score a big success in ariste field would not be a problem.

Without that (or with weak-pillar structure), you could possible just like a firework, its bright for a few second and turn to "stardust" within a next second.

Interactive XI: Call Sign VIII

Ren (water) meet with Zi (water)=Wealth-Grabber
Ren (water) meet with Chou(earth)=Officer
Ren (water) meet with Yin(wood)=Savour God
Ren (water) meet with Mao(wood)=Rebellion
Ren (water) meet with Chen(earth)=Fighter
Ren (water) meet with Si (fire)=Side-Fortune
Ren (water) meet with Wu(fire)=Fortune
Ren (water) meet with Wei(earth)=Officer
Ren (water) meet with Shen(metal)=Step-Mother
Ren (water) meet with You (metal)=Motherhood
Ren (water) meet with Xu (earth)=Fighter
Ren (water) meet with Hai(water)=Brotherhood

Gui (water) meet with Zi (water)=Brotherhood
Gui (water) meet with Chou(earth)=Fighter
Gui (water) meet with Yin (wood)=Rebellion
Gui (water) meet with Mao(wood)=Savour God
Gui (water) meet with Chen(earth)=Officer
Gui (water) meet with Si (fire)=Fortune
Gui (water) meet with Wu (fire)=Side-Fortune
Gui (water) meet with Wei(earth)=Fighter
Gui (water) meet with Shen(metal)=Motherhood
Gui (water) meet with You (metal)=Step-Mother
Gui (water) meet with Xu (earth)=Officer
Gui (water) meet with Hai(earth)=Wealth-Grabber

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Little talk:Lottery Luck? / Interactive IX:Call-Sign VII

Little talk : Lottery luck?

Sometime you could see the person luck are getting so good that he keep won the lottery like 4 digit game, Toto (South East Asia), horse racing game and etc. from small bets to large bets and he would claimed that his prayed been answered, or he might claimed that he had brought something new in the new year which made his luck going so well from that day onward.

Whatever reasons are, his Four Pillar must have Fortune call-sign or the best Side-Fortune to support the claims.

Side Fortune call-sign are essential part for the person to gain his fortune from the investment, business venture, and side-income other than main revenue.

Person have no Side-Fortune call-sign but crossing it during year or decade transit, his luck for winning the stick are much higher (during that particular transit period), however the person must ensure he has the strong Four Pillar structure to support it, otherwise, you could notice that person would lost most of its bets after won the lottery.

Four Pillar structure would make and break the person fortune if the structure doesn’t carry the weight of the Side Fortune.

Imaging a vessel only supporting cargos weight up to 10000 tons, suddenly been overload by extra 3000 tons of cargo.

That the reason why you seen some people won the lottery had back to normal or some even broke-up his family relationship due to his extra-marital case.

Side Fortune call-sign could mean part-time lover other than gambling luck.

Winning or losing?

Interactive IX : Call-Sign VII

Ken (metal) meet with Zi (water)=Savour God
Ken (metal) meet with Chou(earth)=Motherhood
Ken (metal) meet with Yin (wood)=Side-Fortune
Ken (metal) meet with Mao(wood)=Fortune
Ken (metal) meet with Chen(earth)=Step-Mother
Ken (metal) meet with Si (fire) = Officer
Ken (metal) meet with Wu(fire)=Fighter
Ken (metal) meet with Wei(earth)=Motherhood
Ken (metal) meet with Shen(metal)=Brotherhood
Ken (metal) meet with You(metal)=Wealth-Grabber
Ken (metal) meet with Xu (earth)=Step-Mother
Ken (metal) meet with Hai (water)=Rebellion

Sin (metal) meet with Zi (water)=Rebellion
Sin (metal) meet with Chou(earth)=Step-Mother
Sin (metal) meet with Yin (wood)=Fortune
Sin (metal) meet with Mao (wood)=Side-Fortune
Sin (metal) meet with Chen(earth)=Motherhood
Sin (metal) meet with Si (fire)=Fighter
Sin (metal) meet with Wu(fire)=Officer
Sin (metal) meet with Wei(earth)=Step-Mother
Sin (metal) meet with Shen(metal)=Wealth-Grabber
Sin (metal) meet with You (metal)=Brotherhood
Sin (metal) meet with Xu (earth)=Motherhood
Sin (metal) meet with Hai(water)=Savour God

to be continued..

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Little talk:Accuracy of Chinese Zodiac Sign/ Interactive VIII:Call-Sign VI

Little talk : Accuracy of Chinese 12 Zodiac Sign

Prior to the 2006 Chinese New Year, you would find a lot of Chinese rushing to read the annual publishing for Chinese 12 Zodiac Sign booklet to see what fate would they encounter as for this up-coming 2006 Chinese Zodiac's Dog year.

TV, magazies and newspapers would keep appear of those master to explain your possible fate ,love, career outlook and fortune for this particular year. And majority of people would believe them, although some would aurgue up-front for its accuracy but would belived it deep down in their heart.

I recall one year that one of my reader called me and said she would get her mishap real soon, but as I recall from my memory that her Four Pillar Birth-chart was no indication of and Fighter call-sign or Officer call-sign could cause possible promblem. Besides, her weak-structure doesn't have any merger-sign to get her kill either.

As such I further checked with her which master gave you that prediction and she just replieds she got it from the Chinese 12 Zodiac Sign booklet.

Chinese Zodiac Sign have it own loyal reader, that's the reason some master would captialize on it, once your articles been publish, you could lead them for more consultation service for personal fortune teller or offer Feng Shui service.

Chinese Zodiac would use the lower pillar of the person year of born to offer some interesting storyline. For more responsible master, they would pin-point to the particular year to have it more accurate read chart but the maximum mark of accuracy is 25% (if you given full-mark 100% to Four Pillar Birth-Chart Analysis).

For those reader get their Zodiac sign with good comments, you may want to keep it and do your best for better outcome. However, if you get the negative comments, just discard it as it really mean for casual reading only. If you intend to get the more accuracy reading, only Four Pillar and Purple Star Reading could assist you for that.

Interactive VIII: Call-Sign VI

Wu (earth) meet with Zi (water)=Side Fortune
Wu (earth) meet with Chou(earth)-Wealth-Grabber
Wu (earth) meet with Yin (wood)=Figther
Wu (earth) meet with Mao(wood)=Officer
Wu (earth) meet with Chen(earth)=Brotherhood
Wu (earth) meet with Si (fire)=Motherhood
Wu (earth) meet with Wu (fire)=Step-Mother
Wu (earth) meet with Wei (earth)=Wealth-Grabber
Wu (earth) meet with Shen (metal)=Savour God
Wu (earth) meet with You (metal)=Rebellion
Wu (earth) meet with Xu (earth)=Brotherhood
Wu (earth) meet with Hai (water)=Fortune

Jit (earth) meet with Zi (water)=Fortune
Jit (earth) meet with Chou(earth)=Brotherhood
Jit (earth) meet with Yin (wood)=Officer
Jit (earth) meet with Mao(wood)=Fighter
Jit (earth) meet with Chen(earth)=Wealth-Grabber
Jit (earth) meet with Si (fire)=Step-Mother
Jit (earth) meet with Wu(fire)=Motherhood
Jit (earth) meet with Wei(earth)=Brotherhood
Jit (earth) meet with Shen(metal)=Rebellion
Jit (earth) meet with You (metal)=Savour God
Jit (earth) meet with Xu (earth)=Wealth-Grabber
Jit (earth) meet with Hai (water)=Side-Fortune be continued.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Little talk: Sudden Dealth / Interactive VII:Call-Sign:V

If you are new reader wish to know more about Four Pillar Chinese Ancient Birth-Chart Reading, please begin your reading on my first blogs, or else you won't know what I'm blogging about.

For my current reader follow my blog so far, please forgive my site currently been proctected by Whoontop-website lock-up, which are unable to copy any info for later reading. I had sent the e-mail to their support and waiting for reply or unlock the web-site, so that you could copy down the info for off-site reading.

Little Talk: Sudden Dealth

Most of the time when you flips your newspaper, it is unavoidable you would get to read some news related to somebody left this world due to car accident, crush by fallen object, washed-away by floods and sudden strike by serious illness.

Can we know well-before hand that we could avoid those accident?

Most of the practitioners won't give you the exact time frame but some would probably hints you for that.

If you ask me to give that prediction to people, I would opt for no. Because as we mentioned earlier in the blogs, people would get easily forming their negative image into their sub-conscious, if you had gave those date to your "fortune-seeker", you have assist the person to embeding the negative image waiting to be happend.

Sad to note that Four Pillar could give you the high accuracy of likelihood you would be struck by those accident in future.

Why on earth you want to make others life so miserable to bear that negative vibes until 3x, 4x, 5x?

Nonetheless as to precaution for my reader, if you want some hints for likelihood of accident happen, look for Figther call-sign, he is a culprit of all the sudden accident.

If those people Four Pillar chart do not have any proctection call-sign; Motherhood or Step-Mother but have the Figther in their chart(with strong foudation), they need to be careful when they are in Figther call-sign year or his supporting call sign step it for example Fortune and Side-Fortune call-sign.

Fighter call-sign would give them only "likelihood"chances for accident, this still have to count on your overall Four Pillar structure whether in firm ground. Therefore, some accident would get people of getting slightest "scratch" injury only.

When people in Figther call-sign's year, they tend to be ignorance to safety and willing to challenge the authority. Car-speed is a common cause as the call-sign sending the magnetic-field force to the person, the person become relentlessly or impatient as their mind been vibes by the force which directly trigger their emotional mind.

For lady, do not treat your Fighter or Officer call-sign as your enemy, they have different roles here, if you have pure Fighter without Officer call-sign appear on your chart, and you have a proctection by Motherhood call-sign, Figther here are refer to your relation with husband.

But if your overall structure are weak and steping into Figther year or his supporting call-sign year, you need to avoid walking-alone, parking in bright area and avoid night activity or don't simply accept drink offer by stranger or your newly known friend, last but not least, don't stay alone with opposite-sex in isolated place. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Just be careful to minimize the risk.

Interactive VII: Call-Sign: V

Pin (fire) meet with Zi (water)= Fighter
Pin (fire) meet with Chou (earth)=Rebellion
Pin (fire) meet with Yin (wood)=Step-Mother
Pin (fire) meet with Mao (wood)=Motherhood
Pin (fire) meet with Chen (earth)=Savour God
Pin (fire) meet with Si (fire)=Wealth-Grabber
Pin (fire) meet with Wu(fire)=Bortherhood
Pin (fire) meet with Wei(earth)=Rebellion
Pin (fire) meet with Shen(metal)=Side-Fortune
Pin (fire) meet with You (metal)=Fortune
Pin (fire) meet with Xu (earth)=Rebellion
Pin (fire) meet with Hai (water)=Officer

Din (fire) meet with Zi(water)=Officer
Din (fire) meet with Chou(earth)=Savour God
Din (fire) meet with Yin(wood)=Motherhood
Din (fire) meet with Mao(wood)=Step-Mother
Din (fire) meet with Chen (earth)=Rebellion
Din (fire) meet with Si (fire)=Brotherhood
Din (fire) meet with Wu(fire)=Wealth-Grabber
Din (fire) meet with Wei(earth)=Rebellion
Din (fire) meet with Shen(metal)=Fortune
Din (fire) meet with You (metal)=Side-Fortune
Din (fire) meet with Xu (earth)=Rebellion
Din (fire) meet with Hai (water)=Fighter

You can leave comment to me what you want to know more about the Four Pillar, so that I could elaborate more in future blog.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Little talk:New Year 2006 / Interactive VI:Call-Sign IV

Little talk...

Happy New Year 2006 to all of you! But for those waiting to celebrating true Chinese New Year, you need to wait until Feb 4th, 2006.

This was due to our ancestor had calculate that only we touch the "Lip-Choon"(meaning Spring establisedh) or else those session still belongs to previous year. Until we reach "Lip-Choon" begining on Feb 4th, 2006, not the Lunar New Year begining on Jan 29, 2006.

Therefore for those give birth before Feb 4th, 2006, they should consider themselves Rooster in Chinese Zodiac not Dog.

This should be a good year for those need the Fire elements in their Four Pillar Birth-chart. For those person need this Fire as a Fortune call-sign or Side-Fortune call sign, you need to be a slightly cautious as Fire could produce(or enhance the power of) Officer call-sign or Fighter call-sign (if its stituated in your birth-chart, or else you could ignore it), if your birth-charts are having weak-structure or having no-protection call-sign for example Motherhood or Step-mother , you could face possible tension, stress from your daily work or getting involves some legal offences like over-speed limit compound or some matter involve of legal cases, this is due to Officer & Fighter call-sign are involved of goverment or officer law-enforcement issues.

Personally, I don't like Fighter call-sign, because it is sign prone to accident involvement. Nonethess, I don't want you to have negative visual on this, therefore, I hope only those pay compound could serve good for your speed limit offence (just be extra careful on the road.

If you have the Officer or Figther call sign with Motherhood call-sign proctection in well-place, then you not only could avoid those legal-issue but you would have better chance among others to get the promotion to higher level.

I would envy you if you are in Fortune or Side-Fortune call-sign as Fire-element involved. This is significant year for business or investment harvesting activity if your overall birth-chart could support it.

Interactive VI : Call-sign IV

Some Hong Kong Master fortune teller would give your future prediction based on numorious combination for the Lower Pillar character.

If you could recall my blog on Dec 19,2005. I listed all Lower Pillar Character and its dominant force and subdue character. Some mistake done by those master were they apply the subdue force together with the dominant force to analysis the birth-chart structure, this could caused some error over the person prediction drastically.

Just pick an example for explaination.

Chen character, it comprised of Wu (earth, dominate), Yi (wood,sub) & Gui (water, sub).

Wu earth are holding dominate force greater than Yi wood & Gui water. Therefore, when asnwer to interactive force from the Year pillar, Decade pillar, they would only one element to answer them, the rest may serve in a supporting roles.

For this exmaple, when Chen character Lower pillar appear in the birth-chart, the Wu character would serve a dominate call-sign, if the person is Ren-water character, then Chen lower pillar dominate character Wu would represent with the call-sign : Fighter (Seven Killer). Although the sub-due force do presence in Chen character but their force are having little affect towards Wu's earth (Wu's earth dominate for 18 days, Yi wood have 12 days force and Gui water is in a stagnant-mode with no-force at all).

With your understand for the above, let me bring out the rest of the Lower Pillar call-sign (stage by stage) when they start interactive with the Upper Pillar.

Jia wood person with Chou character in its lower pillar, Chou's call-sign is : Fortune

Jia wood person
Jia (wood) meet with Zi (water) = Step-Mother
Jia (wood) meet with Chou (earth)=Fortune
Jia (wood) meet with Yin (wood)=Brotherhood
Jia (wood) meet with Mao (wood)=Wealth-Grabber
Jia (wood) meet with Chen (earth)=Side-Fortune
Jia (wood) meet with Si (fire)=Rebellion
Jia (wood) meet with Wu (fire)=Savour God
Jia (wood) meet with Wei (earht)=Fortune
Jia (wood) meet with Shen(metal)=Figther
Jia (wood) meet with You (metal)=Officer
Jia (wood) meet with Xu (earth)=Side-Fortune
Jia (wood) meet with Hai (water)=Motherhood

Yi wood person
Yi (wood) meet with Zi (water)=Motherhood
Yi (wood) meet with Chou (earth)-Side-Fortune
Yi (wood) meet with Yin (wood)=Wealth-Grabber
Yi (wood) meet with Mao(wood)=Brotherhood
Yi (wood) meet with Chen(earth)=Fortune
Yi (wood) meet with Si (earth)=Savour God
Yi (wood) meet with Wu (fire)=Rebellion
Yi (wood) meet with Wei (earth)=Side-Fortune
Yi (wood) meet with Shen (metal)=Officer
Yi (wood) meet with You (metal)=Fighter
Yi (wood) meet with Xu (earth)=Fortune
Yi (wood) meet with Hai (eater)=Step-Mother

See you again in next-blog.